New CMP Video Confirms Oregon Abortionists Involvment

Sharolyn Smith

In the latest video by the Center for Medical Progress, Perrin Larton, procurement manager for Advanced BioScience Resources, confirms (at 4:43 in video) that abortion businesses in Oregon do “donate” parts from aborted babies for profit. This news comes on the heels of an article by the Statesman Journal detailing that OHSU uses placentas from first-trimester abortions in at least two studies. They receive the placentas from businesses affiliated with Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette. The Statesman continues: “Data obtained by the AP show that OHSU is the only Oregon facility that received money from the National Institutes of Health from 2011 to 2014 for research involving human fetal tissue. OHSU received about $1 million in 2013 and 2014.”

Liberty Pike, spokesperson for ORTL, said, “This does not surprise us. Sidewalk counselors, including myself, have seen people entering Oregon abortion businesses and leaving with small Igloo coolers on countless occasions. Abortion businesses in Oregon are making money coming and going, both from the client and from the procurement companies. Taxpayers should not be the third hand feeding the businesses who will have killed over 8,000 Oregonians by the end of 2015.”

Gayle Atteberry, ORTL executive director, said, “We call upon the Oregon legislature to investigate Planned Parenthood businesses in our state. We do not have a single restriction on abortion businesses in Oregon. That has to change. At the very least, we ask the legislature to stop using tax dollars to fund their grisly business.”


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